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How to participate in Marie Sklodowska Cuire Actions
Marie Sklodowska Curie actions, the program scheme of the Horizon 2020, named after the Polish-French double winner of the Nobel Prize, supports researchers in all stages of their careers. Mr. Dalibor Drljaca, within the framework of the seminar "Perspectives for Career Development of Researchers"... -
European Research Area - Open Labor Market
The significance of the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) and the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (Charter & Code) were the themes of the workshop organized within the seminar "Perspectives for the Career... -
Euraxess portal - a ticket to Montenegrin researchers for the European labor market
For the Montenegrin researcher who plans to develop his career at the heart of the European research area, EURAXESS is the right place for the first step along the way. The University of Montenegro is part of the EURAXESS network, which was initiated by the European Commission to provide a complete... -
Info day on European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for their Recruitment (Charter & Code)
Info day on European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for their Recruitment (Charter & Code) Within the Erasmus + project "Strengthening Research Potential in Higher Education as a Contribution to Further Development of the Western Balkans Region - Re @ WBC", the Career... -
MSCA Best Practice Day
Winner of Marie Sklodowska Currie Individual scholarship, Ms. Radenka Krsmanović Whiffen PhD, was a special guest at the Best Practice Day, which took place at the Ministry of Science of Montenegro on 11th July 2018. She has shared her experience with Montenegrin candidates interested in... -
International Exchange Program for Science and Research Staff Presented - RISE
Number of visits Today, in the Green Hall of the University of Montenegro Info Day was held on the Program RISE intended for international exchange of science and research staff organized by the Centre for International Cooperation and Career Development of the University of Montenegro. Info... -
Euraxess Top IV project promotion at IMSC2019 conference
Euraxess Top IV project was promoted at the 8th International Maritime Science Conference in Budva (Hotel Splendid) on 11th April, 2019. Project team members Nikolina Radulović and Maja Škurić from the Center for International Cooperation and Career Development of the University of Montenegro... -
Euraxess Conference - Prague
On the behalf of the University of Montenegro and Euraxess center Montenegro MSc Maja Škurić and Ms Nikolina Radulovic have participated at the Euraxess Conference 2019 entitled "Become an EURAXESS Ambassador“ which was held from 21st May to 23rd May 2019 in Prague (Czech Republic). This conference... -
EURAXESS Stakeholder Dialogue Event 22 October 2019
EURAXESS Bridgehead Organization (BHO) meeting was held on 22nd October 2019 in Brussels. On behalf of the University of Montenegro Nikolina Radulović has participated in the meeting. Different stakeholders and entities talked about mobility of researchers in Europe - Brain Circulation in Europe...