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NEWS20 Jun 2019NewsInternational News

Participation in the Serbian EURAXESS network national training


Euraxess Montenegro

Upon the invitation of EURAXESS Serbia, Nikolina Radulovic took part in training on 5 and 6 June at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Nis.

The training was intended for members of EURAXESS Serbia: BHO University of Nis and EURAXESS centers: University of Belgrade, University of Novi Sad, University of Kragujevac and the Metropolitan University.

Besides the representatives of EURAXESS network in Serbia, the training was attended by representatives of Bulgarian BHO, Svetlana Dimitrova and a representative of the British Council Krassimira Tantcheva.

The topics were: EURAXESS portal, career development of researchers, services and tools within the EURAXESS network and exchange experiences in supporting the career development of researchers.

In addition to presentations and theoretical part of the training, participants had the opportunity to practically use the EURAXESS portal in the computer room of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.

This study visit will contribute to strengthen the capacity of the service center at the University of Montenegro, and the network as a whole, through information on the provision of quality services to researchers and the development of competencies related to the promotion of the portal among researchers. Also, it will strengthen the capacity of employees to support R&D organizations in matters of financing and partnership, and advertising opportunities.

Euraxess Montenegro