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  • euraxess Montenegro

    SECURE Roadshow One-hour Information Webinars

     Hereby we invite Euraxess members to join one of the one-hour information webinars organised as the SECURE Roadshow during the month of March and introducing key results of the SECURE project: The Research Career Framework (RCF) offering a comprehensive suite of actions for research-performing and...
  • Euraxess Montenegro

    Euraxess Startup Hub Program Basel

     Organized by the Innovation Office, University of Basel Join our second round of the Euraxess Startup Hub Program in Basel, Switzerland! Euraxess is a unique initiative that supports the mobility and career development of researchers and innovators across Europe. It connects individuals and...
  • Euraxess Montenegro

    Applications are OPEN for our Scientific Traineeships!

    - A 5-months paid traineeship at the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre. - Work with us in Geel (Belgium), Ispra (Italy), Petten (the Netherlands), Karlsruhe (Germany) or Seville (Spain).  - We are looking for recent graduates in different scientific fields, including natural and social...
  • Euraxess Montenegro

    The MSCA Staff Exchanges 2024 call

    o   MSCA opens €99.5m call for Staff Exchanges:!xhVgkHo   Staff Exchanges call: 6 steps to prepare your application:!vVFrmCo   Boost for Indian-EU research partnerships under new co-funding scheme within MSCA Staff Exchanges:!c7Tbmg    Social...
  • Euraxess Montenegro

    Scale up your business with EIT RawMaterials

    Does your Start-up, Scale-up or SME offer sustainable solutions for the raw materials sector? Apply to the Booster Call to get financial support of up to EUR 500 000 and access to the EIT RawMaterials value added services to grow jointly until your exit.Minerals, metals, and advanced materials are...
  • Euraxess Montenegro


    EURAXESS network is pleased to invite you to register for a unique series of Research Careers in Europe webinars designed specifically for (prospective) PhD students and early career researchers. Join us as we explore a variety of national research environments in the Northern and Central European...