Participate at the largest European support program for youth social entrepreneurship, the Social Impact Award (SIA).
The Social Impact Award (SIA) represents the largest European support program for youth social entrepreneurship, which was launched in 2009 by Impact Hub Vienna, in partnership with the Erste Foundation and the University of Business and Economics in Vienna.
Through the one-year program, young people are given the opportunity to be further informed about the importance of social entrepreneurship, as well as the opportunities it offers, to receive the necessary instructions and guidance in order to improve their idea and increase the chances that it will survive on the market after implementation. In the course of this socially responsible project, the support will be provided from SIA partners, both in Montenegro and in Europe.
The three winning teams will also receive initial capital for the realization of the idea in the amount of 1,500 euros, mentoring support, as well as the opportunity to present the acquired knowledge and skills at the international SIA Summit, which is being held this year in Belgrade.
Those interested can register their idea by May 31, by filling out a simple application form on the SIA website -
Free educational workshops for young people continue will be held in more than 20 Montenegrin cities, as part of the largest European program to support social entrepreneurship of young people, the Social Impact Award (SIA). Participants will have the opportunity to learn about the concept of social entrepreneurship and receive guidance on how to create an idea and apply to the SIA competition.
The next three workshops are intended for all young people in the central region, aged 15 to 30, and will be held in Podgorica in the period from April 25 to May 3 at three Montenegrin universities - University of Montenegro, University of Donja Gorica and Mediterranean University. To be part of these events please fill short online application form and receive all necessary information -