Does your Start-up, Scale-up or SME offer sustainable solutions for the raw materials sector? Apply to the Booster Call to get financial support of up to EUR 500 000 and access to the EIT RawMaterials value added services to grow jointly until your exit.
Minerals, metals, and advanced materials are the foundation of the global energy revolution and the realisation of the European Green Deal’s ambitious objectives. But Europe’s limited domestic supply of critical raw materials and heavy reliance on imports from only a few supplier countries poses significant risks amid escalating geopolitical tensions.
EIT RawMaterials is dedicated to ensuring this sustainable supply by sparking innovation, advancing education, and fostering entrepreneurship. As the demand for cutting-edge raw materials solutions grows, EIT RawMaterials leads by example, identifying and empowering companies that are revolutionising the sector with breakthrough technologies and sustainable practices.
Click here for more details.
Source: https://eitrawmaterials.eu