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NEWS21 Mar 2023News

Open call for young researchers

University of Montenegro

In order to implement the Innovation and research for off-grid settlements project, which is co-financed by the Ministry of Finance and Social Protection of Montenegro - Directorate for Finance and Contracting of EU Aid Funds, the Scientific Institute Panarhy11 in cooperation with the Regional Development Agency for Bjelasica, Komovi and Prokletije announces a public competition for young researchers of doctoral studies in the field of energy efficiency, hydrotechnics, electrical engineering.

This action intends to gather young researches – 5 PhD students and recognized researchers (with less than 7 years since the doctorate) and assist them in developing concepts that will be available for use of micro enterprises throughout Montenegro. Specific objective of this call is to improve the link between science and industry on the basis of the Smart Specialization Strategy (2019-2024) through increased mobility of young researchers. The attention of the researchers will be on innovative solutions for off-grid katun settlements, offering solutions for their improved living conditions and increasing their opportunities for providing tourism services, thus giving scientific support to some of the micro enterprises in rural areas, that otherwise would not be able to tackle this problem on their own.

Intended activities are in line with the priorities of the call, namely these:

- Engagement of young researchers, particularly young women, in academy and industry sector through innovative project proposals based on the priorities of the Smart Specialization Strategy.

- Providing opportunities for young researchers to gain experience in research and development and innovation, exchange of knowledge and increase of their applied research competences;

- Increase in the number of projects that will raise the levels of research and development and innovation activities in organisations/ institutions and enable them to reach competitive edge in applied research and product/service/process development.

Moreover, through their research and practical application of the results, significant obstacles will be removed for rural tourism households in katuns, which will increase the quality of their services and provide sustainable off grid living solutions.

The outputs of this action will be actual solutions for setting up off-grid units with toilets providing options such as compost toilets and other environmental friendly solutions, including off grid renewable energy production solutions, as well as innovative solutions for accommodation of guests in katuns, in traditional but also unusual manner, ensuring sustainability for these intangible heritage living models. Through analysis of locational requirements, user requirements and capacities, including analysis of existing solutions and options design, full innovative set of solutions for katuns will be offered against the existing partial and not so successful options.  Once these concept solutions are developed, the team and young researchers will test them, adjust where required and apply final options in at least 5 target households in katuns located on different mountains in Montenegro, not just to test the successfulness of the innovation, but also to create models for others to follow. Selection will be done together with young researchers and Rural Tourism Association.

In accordance with the described project we are looking for:

PhD student or PhD with less than 7 years from a doctorate in hydrotechnical engineering / electrical engineering / energy efficiency


  • Licence for the production of technical documentation
  • Experience in off-grid solutions
  • Working on computer ( Autocad, Archicad, AutocadMap, Microsoft package, etc.)

All applicants must submit their CV with relevant references listed. Applications should be sent to e-mail: within 15 days from the date of publication of the invitation.

Link for a better overview of the project:

Online Services - Online Services - Programmes de coopération extérieure - Commission européenne (

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