On Thursday, February 9 2023, starting at 17:00, in the multimedia hall of IPC Tehnopolis, the Municipality of Nikšić (Commission for the distribution of funds to women's entrepreneurship) will held an informative workshop for current or prospective woman entrepreneurs. The workshop, is mainly intended for interested entrepreneurs and companies in which women are business owners - the founder or one of the founders, and the executive director of the company with residence or headquarters in the territory of the Municipality of Nikšić, and which have not used the right to some form of financial support from the budget of the Municipality or of the State budget, in the year in which the distribution is made and the year preceding it.
The main goal of the workshop focus on female entrepreneurs who plan to start their own businesses, as well as those who want to expand their business, and have been in business for a maximum of 2 years, by applying to the Call for the distribution of funds from the budget of the Municipality of Nikšić to support female entrepreneurship in 2023, and thus share the information related to the call, as well as instructions when filling in the requested information from the form that is an integral part of the Contest. The workshops will be attended by female entrepreneurs who have successfully implemented the activities from the project proposals in 2022, and who will use their personal example to encourage female entrepreneurs who plan to try their hand at their own business.
Confirmation of attendance is required through following contacts: 040/213-146 or by email to gordana.tomovic@niksic.me/ivana.ceranic@niksic.me.