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NEWS16 Feb 2023News

Invitation to the postdoctoral candidates interested in MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships, University catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain), Belgium


The UCLouvain shall be delighted to support the postdoctoral researchers wishing to apply for a MSCA European PF at UCLouvain as future host institution:

Are you looking to expand your research horizon? Do you want to improve your career prospects? Do you want to join a vibrant and stimulating research environment?

UCLouvain gladly welcomes experienced researchers from all over the world and offers great opportunities of collaboration. We are interested in working with postdoctoral candidates who already have a strong publication record and complementary research agenda.

We are organizing an online Master Class in end of May 2023 (31st to be confirmed). It is primarily intended for Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship (MSCA-PF) applicants with UCLouvain as host institution. The Master class offers them the opportunity to get to know UCLouvain while also benefitting from an in-depth proposal writing clinic.

To register for the Master Class 2023 please e-mail your CV and the name of your (future) UCLouvain supervisor to by the 5th of May 2023. I will verify your eligibility for the fellowship after which you will receive an email confirming your registration. You will receive more detailed information after registering for the Master Class.

Please find the enclosed complete list of foreseen research institutes, supervisors and/or referents, and e-mail addresses. You can contact the referents by e-mail, telephone or by going and to see them.

Before contacting a referent, please check your eligibility for an MSCA-PF action with Mrs Sara Wilmet (ADRE/RINT) - Phone: +32 10 47 38 36.

Please note that:

  * Supervisors may also participate in the Master Class. To register, please send us an e-mail that includes the name of the applicant(s).

  * If you are currently a researcher at UCLouvain and applying with a host institution abroad, you may also register to participate in the Master Class. To register please e-mail your CV, the name of your current supervisor and the name of your future host institution.

Contact person:

Sara Wilmet

UCLouvain, Belgium