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NEWS18 Apr 2023News

Calls for postdoctoral candidates on topics proposed by academic researchers from Brittany (France)


The European Projects Platform (2PE) – Bretagne initiated an original action towards potential candidates for the MSCA Postdoctoral fellowships (MSCA-PF).

This action aims to increase chances of success for motivated fellows by offering dedicated support from both scientific and technical staff to write an excellent research and training project.

The European Projects Platform (2PE) – Bretagne and academic institutions in Brittany are thus looking for excellent postdoctoral researchers with an international profile willing to apply for a Marie S. Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship with a competitive proposal in 2023.

Interested superviors have proposed postdoctoral research topics available on the 2PE website.

We gladly welcome postdoctoral researchers from all over the world and offer great opportunities of collaboration. We are interested in working with postdoctoral candidates who already have a strong publication record and complementary research agenda with the proposed reseach topics.

Candidates are invited to carefully read the eligibility criteria before applying.