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NEWS13 Feb 2025News

Call for Expressions of Interest: Hosting Postdoctoral Fellows at Ulysseus

Euraxess Montenegro

The European University Ulysseus is pleased to announce a call for expressions of interest for postdoctoral researchers who wish to apply for this year’s Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships (MSCA-PF).

The universities forming this European alliance are eager to welcome postdoctoral candidates and provide them with the opportunity to work alongside experienced mentors and experts from various scientific fields. The aim of this program is to support the professional development and training of researchers through international and intersectoral mobility. Fellows will carry out their own research project in collaboration with a host institution, which must be identified at the time of application submission.

Researchers of all ages, nationalities, and scientific disciplines are eligible to apply. The program offers a valuable experience, fostering the development of new scientific competencies, international research collaboration, and increased academic and professional visibility.

The European Commission will launch the call for projects on April 9, 2025, with the application deadline set for September 10, 2025. Selected projects may begin between April and September 2026, with a duration of 12 to 36 months. Employment contracts will be fixed-term (1 or 2 years), offering highly competitive salaries and working conditions.

This call is open to young postdoctoral researchers who meet the MSCA-PF eligibility criteria and wish to gain international research experience through the Ulysseus program. Additionally, it is open to experienced researchers interested in mentoring and hosting MSCA fellows from Ulysseus partner institutions.

The application process will follow the timeline outlined below:

  • March 17, 2025: Deadline for submitting expressions of interest for MSCA-PF applications;
  • April 18, 2025: Notification of selected fellows;
  • April – May 2025: Virtual exchange and matching phase with host institution mentors;
  • May 2025: Start of the scientific drafting of project proposals;
  • May 12 – 16, 2025: Two-day Master Class workshop (Nice, France);
  • May – August 2025: Ongoing work on MSCA-PF proposals;
  • September 10, 2025: Submission deadline for applications to the European Commission;
  • February/March 2026: Announcement of results.

More information is available in the attached document and via the official link.

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