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NEWS15 Oct 2024News

Applications are OPEN for our Scientific Traineeships!

Euraxess Montenegro

- A 5-months paid traineeship at the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre. - Work with us in Geel (Belgium), Ispra (Italy), Petten (the Netherlands), Karlsruhe (Germany) or Seville (Spain).


 - We are looking for recent graduates in different scientific fields, including natural and social sciences, computer sciences and engineering. - Apply by 4 November, start in March 2025 📆 👩‍🔬 Who can apply?


 - University graduates with a minimum 3-year degree (180 ECTS credits) or equivalent. - Nationals of EU Member States and countries associated to Horizon Europe. (Check the vacancy notice for full eligibility conditions) 


🌍 Language requirements: - EU candidates must have a thorough knowledge of at least two EU languages, including English (C1); -  non-EU candidates must have a thorough knowledge of English (C1).


 ➡️ More information:!GtpYVV