Both EURAXESS network and S4R enables and foster different tools and materials for more effective integration of displeased researchers from Ukraine and the region:
- Buddy System (find your Research Buddy) which helps finding a partner to discuss research problems, find solutions and study together.
- EURAXESS Bulgaria created several online tools for supporting the coaches of refugee researchers (Online Basic Tool for Academic Coaches of Refugee Researchers; Online Advanced Tool for Academic Coaches of Refugee Researchers; Online Basic Tool for Industrial Coaches of Refugee Researchers; Online Advanced Tool for Industrial Coaches of Refugee Researchers).
- Mentoring Program“Shape the future of a Researcher coming to Europe”, where experienced researchers have the unique opportunity to mentor early-stage researchers and support their integration and career development in international mobility perspective.
- The EURAXESS Austria prepared the Guide on Labour Market Integration of Refugee Researchers, aiming at enabling refuge researchers to make the best use of not only their existing skills and professional experiences, but also of the relevant resources that are available to them in the host country.